


Why the name “May Day” for the bookstore?

Our name May Day originated in the U.S. in Chicago in the fight for the 8 hour day in 1886.  It was later declared an international day of labor by the Socialist International.  It is celebrated by the working class, socialists and unions all over the world, and is a paid holiday in many nations except in the U.S., its birthplace.  May Day Books carries on the tradition in its original home.

      May Day Books

Not Making a Profit since 1975

ALL BOOKS are 15% OFF.  HBKs 20% OFF  - all THE tiME

A former volunteer peruses the stock.

NEW BOOKS & Magazines in stock


BLOG: Visit May Day Book's blogspot to read reviews of new books and the large archive of left book and culture reviews back to 2007:





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Magazines & Newspapers

May Day carries magazines like: Jacobin, The Nation, The Progressive, Monthly Review, Harpers, New Internationalist, Earth Island Journal,  Socialist Viewpoint, Sojourners, Dollars & Sense, Bitch, Against the Current, Labor Notes and left-wing newspapers like: Socialist Alternative, Defender, Socialist Revolution, Fight Back, Workers World, The Militant, The Internationalist, Spartacist, Progressive Populist, News & Letters, The Communist, etc. 

Marked Down / Used Books in Stock:

May Day receives a constant stream of used books from leftists in the city and from estates.  We also have deeply-discounted cut-outs from our own stock.  Check ’em out!

SLINGSHOTS, small and large, in STOCK!



“Abolish Rent:  How Tenants Can End the Housing Crisis” by T Rosenthal, L Vilchis, 2024.  A collection of stories about resistance against evictions, high rents, private equity owners and more from two tenant union organizers.


“The Housing Monster” by Prole Info, 2012.  The story of a house, in all its ramifications—builders, gentrification, mortgages, city politics, red lining, rents, taxes and psychology.


“An African History of Africa:  From the Dawn of Humanity to Independence” by Zeinab Badawi, 2024.  A sweeping history covering 30 countries, early civilizations, colonialism and independence, through interviews, research and literature.


“Cabin: Off the Grid Adventures with a Clueless Craftsman” by Patrick Hutchinson, 2024.  From an office job to restoring a cabin in the Pacific Northwest’s Cascade Mountains.  With no carpentry skills and over his head, he sets about the task.


The Secret History of the Rape Kit: A True Crime Story” by Pagan Kennedy, 2025.  The story of Marty Goddard, who developed the rape kit for use by police departments.  A feminist and personal thriller, which will turn pages, even yours.